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Here you will find a selection of high-quality EEG Neurofeedback Devices for concentration and relaxation. More Info

Concentration and Relaxation

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Concentration and Relaxation

Buy EEG headsets for better concentration and relaxation at the MindTecStore

How can neurofeedback help me to concentrate and relax better?

Neurofeedback can help you concentrate and relax better by training your brain to increase or decrease certain patterns of brain activity.

For those who have difficulty concentrating, EEG headsets can help change the patterns of brain waves associated with attention and concentration. By monitoring brain activity in real time, you can learn to focus your attention on a specific task or thought. During neurofeedback training, you receive a feedback message when your brain produces the desired patterns of brain activity. This is done through fun learning games, so you are training your brain in a fun way. Through repetition and reinforcement of these patterns, improved concentration can develop over time.

For relaxation and stress reduction, neurofeedback can help regulate the balance between stimulating and calming brain activity. If you find it difficult to relax or feel stressed, neurofeedback can help you identify patterns of brain activity associated with relaxation and stress reduction. Through fun training sessions, you can learn to strengthen these patterns in a fun way and improve your ability to relax and manage stress.

The good thing about all this is that you can learn to relax and manage stress in a fun way.

The good thing about all the exercises: Over time, you will be able to achieve and maintain the desired state faster and faster. Eventually, you will no longer need an EEG headset to reach this state on demand. You will be able to access this state on your own.

What is special about concentration and relaxation training with Neurofeedback?

The special feature of using neurofeedback to promote concentration and relaxation is its individual adaptability and direct interaction with brain activity.


Neurofeedback allows for a personalised approach. Each person has unique patterns of brain activity associated with concentration and relaxation. By recording and analysing individual brain activity, neurofeedback training can be tailored to a person's specific needs and goals. It is tailor-made training that targets brain activity.

Real-time feedback:

Neofeedback training provides real-time feedback on brain activity. Using EEG measurements, your brain's activity is visualised on a screen or through sounds. You get instant feedback on how your brain is responding to different activities and tasks. This feedback helps you to become more aware of your brain activity and to work specifically on your concentration and relaxation. You learn how to influence your brain activity more and more.

Learning and self-regulation:

With neurofeedback, you learn to regulate your brain and consciously change your brain activity. You can learn to increase or decrease certain brainwave patterns to help you concentrate or relax. This learning process allows you to develop your self-regulation skills and use them outside of neurofeedback training.

Long-term changes:

With continued training and repetition, neurofeedback can produce long-term changes in your brain activity. The aim is to strengthen the desired brainwave patterns and make them a natural part of your brain function. Over time, your ability to concentrate can improve and you will be better able to relax and cope with stress. Most importantly, what you learn will become more and more independent in the long term.

It's important to remember that you're a good learner.

It is important to know that neurofeedback is not a miracle cure and that results can vary from person to person. It takes commitment, time and a good working relationship with a qualified neurofeedback practitioner to achieve optimal results.

How did neurofeedback technology come about?

The origins of neurofeedback technology date back to the 1960s, when researchers began to explore the measurement and modulation of brain activity. Psychologist and neurophysiologist B. Sterman is considered one of the pioneers in the field of neurofeedback.

Barry Sterman and his team began by conducting studies on cats to investigate the effects of changes in brain patterns on epilepsy seizures. They discovered that cats that were trained in a certain way were able to change their brain patterns towards a certain frequency range, resulting in fewer seizures.

This breakthrough laid the foundation for the use of neurofeedback in humans. In the decades since, neurofeedback technology has been developed and refined. It has been used in a variety of settings, including clinical practice, sports performance enhancement and cognitive enhancement.

Today, neurofeedback is used in a variety of Se

Today, neurofeedback is an accepted method of influencing and regulating brain activity. It is used by qualified professionals such as psychologists, neurotherapists and neurofeedback practitioners to help people improve their ability to concentrate, relax and other aspects of brain function. The technology and associated training methods have evolved over the years and continue to be driven by research and innovation.

When can I expect to see results from neurofeedback training?

How long does it take? How long it takes to see the first results of neurofeedback training varies from person to person. Several factors play a role:

Individual starting Situation:

Every person is unique and therefore the response to neurofeedback can vary from person to person. The initial state of concentration and relaxation, the brain's activity patterns and other individual factors also play a role and influence how quickly initial successes are achieved.

Length and intensity of training:

Neurofeedback is an ongoing learning process that requires time and commitment. The length of training can vary according to individual goals and needs. Typically, neurofeedback sessions are conducted over a period of several weeks or months. The frequency of sessions and the total number of training sessions can also vary. In general, the more regular and intensive the training, the faster the first results can be achieved.

Motivation and personal factors:

The willingness to cooperate and to follow the recommendations of the neurofeedback trainer or the neurofeedback training application are crucial for training success. Individual factors such as motivation, consistency and ability to learn new skills can influence training progress.

After a few days

In some cases, people may notice positive changes after just a few training sessions. These may be improvements in concentration, increased ability to relax or other positive effects. For others, it may take longer to see significant improvements. It is important to be patient and to continue training for long-term results. Therefore, it is always advisable to use the app from home, as this is the best way to ensure continuity. The apps provided by the EEG headset manufacturers guide you well through the applications and the evaluations always allow you to see the immediate and long-term training success. In some cases, it is advisable to work with a qualified neurofeedback practitioner who can assess your individual situation and create a training plan tailored to your specific needs. He or she can also give you a realistic estimate of when you can expect to see results from neurofeedback training.

Is neurofeedback training suitable for home use?

Yes, neurofeedback training is suitable for use at home, provided you have the right equipment and guidance. In recent years, EEG headsets have been developed specifically for home use, making it possible to perform neurofeedback training in the comfort of your own home. The MindTecStore offers you a comprehensive selection in this category. The EEG headsets are coupled with attractive apps from the manufacturers, which offer special concentration or relaxation training. The application is easy to use and your training success is always directly visible. This allows you to track your progress.

The benefits of neurofeedback training at home are


Training can be done at home without the need for additional travel or appointments. This offers flexibility and convenience as training can be integrated into the daily routine.

Cost savings:

Training at home can be more cost effective as you don't have the additional expense of travel or sessions with a neurofeedback practitioner


You have the opportunity to do the training regularly and continuously, as you are not dependent on the schedule and availability of a practitioner. Continuity is important to the training process and can lead to better results.


Good to know- EEG Headsets in the MindTecStore for concentration and relaxation

If you are unsure about the application, it is advisable to work with a neurofeedback practitioner at the beginning of training. He or she can give you proper guidance and training.

In most cases, the practitioner will be able to help you with the training.

In most cases, however, users find the application very easy to understand and intuitive, so they can start training immediately.

We wish you a lot of fun while studying and a great training experience with EEG headsets. You will be amazed at how you can influence your brain.



Overview of neurofeedback devices and their functions in the field of relaxation and concentration.

The MindTecStore offers a selection of high quality and tested neurofeedback devices that have been specially developed to improve concentration and relaxation. Each device has its own strengths and specific areas of application. Here is an overview of the different products:


NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2: Brainwave Starter Kit - The entry level device for ADHD

  • Suitable for: Home use
  • Special feature: This headset comes with special software for ADHD training (Excellent Brain).
  • Sensors/channels: 1 sensor in the prefrontal Cortex
  • Good for: Neurofeedback beginners
  • What does it do? Introduction to the world of neurofeedback with games and applications


Macrotellect BrainLink Lite EEG Headset V2.0 - The beginner's headset, also for ADHD

  • Suitable for: Home use
  • Special feature: This headset comes with special software for ADHD training (Excellent Brain).
  • Sensors/channels: 1 sensor in the prefrontal Cortex
  • Good for: Mindfulness and mental training
  • What does it do? Mindfulness and mental skills Training

OMNIFIT Brain 2-channel EEG headset - Training anywhere

  • Suitable for: Home use
  • Special feature: With integrated headphones and paired app, so you can train anywhere in any Environment
  • Sensors/channels: 2 channels
  • Good for: Students, beginners, people in distraction-prone environments.
  • What it can do? Concentration and relaxation brain training. Targeted learning Training

Brainlink Tune - EEG headphones - Learning and time management Training

  • Suitable for: Home use
  • Special feature: With additional time management training and integrated headphones
  • Sensors/Channels: 1 sensor in the prefrontal Cortex
  • Good for: Students, professionals and music lovers
  • What does it do?Combines music enjoyment with learning and relaxation training (incl. Promodoro method)


InteraXon Muse S Gen 2 Multisensor EEG Headset - The sleep trainer

  • Suitable for: Home use and therapy
  • Special features: Targeted sleep training, sleep meditation, extra soft headband to wear the device during sleep
  • Sensors/Channels: 7 sensors (4 EEG channels)
  • Good for: People with sleep problems or those seeking relaxation
  • What does it do? Supports relaxation and sleep through guided meditations


Macrotellect BrainLink Pro 3.0 EEG Headset -With versatile training applications

  • Suitable for: Home use and therapy
  • Special feature: Many available apps for different training goals (anti-stress, meditation, concentration, impulse control, fast decision making)
  • Sensors/channels: 1 sensor in the prefrontal Cortex
  • Good for: Athletes and for cognitive enhancement
  • What does it do? Mental training with additional heart rate and temperature measurement


Emotiv Insight 2.0 - An all-rounder for dyslexics, ADHD and developers

  • Suitable for: Home use, therapy and research, also suitable for dyslexia and ADHD training with appropriate software (Auto Train Brain)
  • Special feature: Measures brain regions to measure the following cognitive metrics: Interest, Engagement, Excitement, Stress, Relaxation, Focus
  • Sensors/Channels: 5 channels
  • Good for: Advanced users and researchers
  • What does it do?Detailed measurement and analysis of brain activity


Neeuro EEG SenzeBand 2- An all-rounder

  • Suitable for: Home use and therapy
  • Special feature:
    • Suitable software for special ADHD training (Cogo) is available for this headset
    • Trains the following mental skills: Anti-stress, meditation, concentration, impulse control, quick decision making.
  • Sensors/Channels:
    • ◦8 EEG sensors (5 forehead sensors, 2 temporal lobe sensors).
    • 1 motion sensor
    • 1 heart rate sensor
  • Good for: Students, professionals and therapists.
  • What does it do? Trains cognitive skills such as learning, concentration, etc.

InteraXon Muse 2 EEG Headset - Meditation High End

  • Suitable for: Home use and therapy
  • Special feature: Specially designed for meditation
  • Sensors/channels: 7 sensors
    • Body (accelerometer)
    • Heart (PPG + Pulse Oximetry)
    • Mind (EEG)
    • Breath (PPG + gyroscope)
  • Good for: Meditation beginners and practitioners.
  • What does it do? Anti-stress and meditation coaching with real-time feedback.


InteraXon Muse S Gen 1 Multisensor - High level meditation

  • Suitable for: Home use and therapy
  • Special feature: Specially designed for meditation. Guided meditation with real-time feedback during meditation. Extra soft, comfortable headband.◦Go-To-Sleep (EEG, PPG, Accelerometer + Gyroscope).
  • Sensors/channels: 7 sensors
    • Respiration (PPG + gyroscope)
    • Body (accelerometer)
    • Heart (photoplethysmogram (PPG) + pulse oximetry)
    • Mind (EEG)
  • Good for: Relaxation and better sleep
  • What does it do? Supports relaxation and meditation

© www.mindtecstore.com 2023

Author: Jörne Kreuder, update from 30.10.2023


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