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Here you will find a selection of high-quality EEG headsets - from entry-level to professional models. More Info

EEG Headsets

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EEG Headsets

Buy EEG Headsets at MindTecStore.com

For lack of concentration & stress – More concentration and effective stress relief with neurofeedback technologies

Whether at school, during studies, at work, in sports, in everyday life or in old age: 
The ability to concentrate and relax plays an increasingly important role in today's fast-paced world.

The latest technologies from the field of neuroscience (neurofeedback) train these cognitive skills based on neural plasticity. Neural plasticity is the brain's ability to change through training. Cognitive training strengthens the connections between neurons and the brain. It can be seen as a kind of muscle training and enables the continuous development of targeted brain regions. The successes of this training (for example: more calmness or an improved concentration ability) lead to a positive experience of their own self-efficacy, which at the same time also leads to more self-confidence with accompanying higher inner satisfaction.

The current neurofeedback devices train in the brain the prefrontal cortex. 
This is responsible for the ability to concentrate and relax. 

Regular training can therefore provide the following support for the different user groups - depending on the application needs:

  • Children learn more easily at school and can concentrate for a longer period of time. Doing homework will also be easier with regular training. This learning success also leads to more self-confidence. Special neurofeedback relaxation training can further be helpful in reducing school stress.
  • Students can absorb larger amounts of learning in less time and thus prepare more effectively for exams. It supports them at the same time to reduce the university stress better.
  • Manager can strengthen and improve your work efficiency and performance ability. At the same time, you will learn to relax more quickly and successfully relieve unwanted work stress.
  • Sportsmen will be able by targeted mental training to stabilize and improve their performance. Through improved concentration, they are faster able to implement new training procedures and achieve training goals. At the same time, you will be supported to perceive your recovery phases more intensively.
  • In everyday life supports an EEG to better withstand the daily demands and gradually expand the multitasking ability. At the same time, you learn to use the small breaks as intensive relaxation for themselves.
  • In old age support neurofeedbacks to maintain the memory as well as other motor and cognitive skills until old age. 

Why should I use a neurofeedback device?

  • Improved ability to concentrate
  • More effective learning ability
  • Active stress reduction
  • Burnout prevention
  • Trains and sensitizes the perception in relation to dealing with stress and stressausl;senden factors (stressors)
  • Regular workouts train stress reduction skills so that you can return to a balanced state more quickly
  • Promotes satisfaction through positive experience of self-efficacy

How do neurofeedback devices work?

Neurofeedback training takes place using EEG headsets. For this purpose, a headset with integrated EEG sensors is worn. Depending on the intended use, the number of sensors may vary.

Private application:

For neurofeedback training from home, 1- or 5-channel devices are offered. The higher the number of sensors, the more accurate the measurements. While a 1-channel EEG only measures the brain activity of the left frontal cortex, a 5-channel EEG measures the left and right hemispheric activity. 5-channel EEGs are therefore generally less sensitive. Depending on the intended use (beginner – advanced), a 1- or 5-channel EEG is recommended. 
By wearing such a headset, the brain waves are measured by sensors, which reflect the current brain activity. The results can be read at the same time on a related app. One has a relaxed state with alpha brain waves. 

Generally, brainwaves are divided into the following frequencies: 

Frequency band  Frequency range Behavior (examples)
Delta 1-3 Hz Deep sleep, hypnosis (muscle artifacts
Theta 4-7 Hz fatigue, inattention
Alpha1 8-9 Hz Relaxed state
Alpha2 10-12 Hz Relaxed state, attention
Beta1 13-17 Hz Good attention, motor calm
Beta2 18-30 Hz Very good attention, info processing
Beta3 31-40 Hz Tension
Beta4 41-50 Hz Tension (panic, muscle artifacts)


For all EEG headsets, as already mentioned, an associated neurofeedback app is offered. This contains special training games, with which the user can try in a playful way to achieve the desired brain activity (such as the alpha waves – relaxed state).

This is done by measuring the current brain waves simultaneously (using headsets). The user always sees the current state and degree of goal achievement via smartphone (or tablet). Gradually, he learns to be able to better and better influence the achievement of a desired activity state (relaxation or concentration). It will also become increasingly possible to maintain this state for a longer period of time.  
Neurofeedback technology has been successfully used in neuro research worldwide for decades. More and more, this technology is becoming widespread in therapy for improved stress reduction and improved ability to concentrate. Finnish schools are even using this tool for more effective and relaxed learning. 

To sum up, 

A person's attention lies between deep sleep and panic mode and exactly in between, EEG systems can help people to classify the correspondingly measured brain activities and to better reach them with helpful training measures. 

Widely used are EEG headsets that serve the topic of relaxation, other EEG headsets can also be used on the topic of high attention and information processing.

Research (marketing, neuroscience, medicine):

For research, neurofeedback devices with 14- or 32-sensors are recommended for the most accurate measurements. Measurements here take place not only at the prefontal cortex, but across multiple brain regions to be able to measure and represent the complete brain activity. 

How do I use a neurofeedback device (EEG device)

A brief overview of the benefits of using modern neurofeedback technologies:

As presented under how neurofeedback works, there is a distinction between private and professional EEGs:

Private EEGs:

  • For concentration and relaxation training from home
  • As well as a therapy-accompanying measure for therapists & &doctors

Professional EEGs for elaborate analyses in research:

  • In neuroscience
  • In market research, neuromarketing
  • For other studies (social science, medicine,…)

The following introduces the use of private EEGs

  • To do this, put on the headset and start recording.
  • The result of your brain activity is mapped in an app
  • Targeted concentration or relaxation training can now be started via this app
  • This training app converts your current brain activity into a different mode - for example, as the flight of a bird. In this way, you can now see them better and better influence: So the bird has the goal of a certain flight height to reach and hold.
  • The training is over after a certain period of time.
  • Regulatory training allows you to achieve faster and hold longer your desired activity state (relaxed or concentrated)
  • The playful character in the form of a mobile game provides the trainee at the same time a lot of fun – gambling with a positive learning effect!  Therefore, it is also very popular among children. 

Which neurofeedback device (EEG) is the right one for me?

As introduced earlier, the choice of EEG devices is many
Which device is the most suitable for you depends on your personal application. Therefore, we present in the following, the devices recommended by us – depending on the application:

EEG headsets for private use:

  • Mindwave Mobile 2 - Good entry-level model.
    • 1-channel EEG
    • Easy to use
    • For adults + children
  • BrainLink Lite – Very good entry-level model.
    • 1-channel EEG
    • High comfort
    • many apps
    • for adults + children
  • Myndplay Myndband
    • 1-channel EEG
    • many apps
    • for adults + children
    • VR (virtual reality) - compatible
  • FocusCalm
    • 5-channel EEG
    • Particularly suitable for mental training for athletes
    • Good in therapy accompaniment
  • Interaxon Muse 2
    • 5-channel EEG
    • Extensive meditation program
    • Good in therapy accompaniment
  • Interaxon Muse S Gen2.
    • 5-channel EEG
    • Comprehensive meditation program
    • wearable while sleeping + special sleep features
    • long runtime
    • long runtime
  • Neuro Senzeband 2
    • 5-channel EEG
    • Comprehensive feature package
    • Best customer reviews
    • Good in therapy accompaniment
  • EMOTIV Insight 2.0
    • 5-channel EEG
    • With emotion measurement
    • Good in therapy accompaniment

EEG headsets for professional use:

  • Emotiv EPOC X – mobile 14-channel headset.
    • enables studies of emotions, mental commands, performance metrics, or facial expressions?
  • Emotiv EPOC Flex – 32-channel headset for the highest demands.
    • Highest density measurement
    • High flexibility
    • Proven model
    • Highest quality


Use an EEG device (neurofeedback) for targeted concentration and relaxation training from home. Neurofeedback devices in MindTecStore, are tested by us and found to be good. MindTecStore - the health online store – Technologies for more physical and mental health. 

  • Neurofeedback devices support you in targeted stress reduction or
  • Help you improve your concentration ability
  • The application issimple
  • The training isplayful – mobile games with positive learning effect
  • Neurofeedback technologies bring about positive behavioral Training
  • MindTecStore offers selected neurofeedback devices that are clinically tested and aligned to the different needs of the user
  • Neurofeedback training is suitable for children, adults, athletes, as well as for therapy (with doctors and therapists).
  • Effortful EEGs headsets are useful for professional use in research (marketing, neuroscience, medicine).


Your path to higher brain power in everyday life

Neurofeedback is a modern and safe technique that allows almost anybody to specifically control brain activity. With neurofeedback you can train your attention and relaxation skills and reduce existing deficits.

In this section you will find neurofeedback headsets for everyone - whether you are a beginner, advanced or professional user. Choose your preferred headset from manufacturers such as NeuroSky, Macrotellect, Myndplay and InteraXon.

Neurofeedback has been researched and successfully used in the US and Europe for decades, and its effectiveness has been proven in numerous studies by universities including in Europe.

Neurofeedback Infographik Brainwaves Measurement

Basically, the electrical activity of the brain is divided into different wavebands representing a certain functionality and frequency. Depending on the situation in which you are, the wave ranges are differently pronounced. This results in individual characteristics of the brain activity: Sitting relaxed on the couch, the composition of the wavebands differs from the composition that can be observed in your EEG (electroencephalogram) during a stressful examination task. Neurofeedback divides the electrical activity of your brain into its individual frequency bands and displays the proportion of each frequency band in the total spectrum.

The goal of neurofeedback is to increase cognitive performance and reduce EEG levels that are more likely to be associated with diminished attention. In the process, the brain learns over time that a desired change in brain wave patterns results in a reward.

The special thing about neurofeedback is that you can use your own individual strategy to influence your EEG frequencies. Neurofeedback and related training is a non-drug therapy for maintaining and improving cognitive functions. Neurofeedback teaches you how to influence your "brain performance" through active participation, as well as continuous feedback. In addition, you can achieve a strong inner control. The self-confidence in your own performance and abilities increases and can therefore positively moderate the genuine effect of Neurofeedback training. Read more about Neurofeedback.


© www.mindtecstore.com 2023

Author: Jörne Kreuder, update from 30.10.2023


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